Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This morning on National Public Radio I heard Joyce Cardine interview Ellen Pound the leader of the largest human rights based organization in the United States of America. (And I did not bother to look up the correct spellings of their names)
It is a shame that the largest human rights organization in this country is an advocate for gay and lesbians, why? Because what you do not know or want to know, that is true, is of the violation of human rights that creates homosexuals in the first place.
Homosexuals were created in the process of stealing souls. 
The radio show talked about how five boys committed suicide and were also accused of being gay. 

These boys were not gay; they were most likely picked o by those who were jealous of them.
The process these evil races use to steal a person’s soul is a more horrific revelation than any holocaust ever was.  Once a person’s soul has been stolen they are highly subject to being influenced to be whatever someone else wants them to be.  You can think of it like a teenage runaway girl being beaten and forced into prostitution.  These girls have also had their souls stolen but in a different way.
Evil races today have the power to chant and deprive someone of sleep until their soul is gone and they are put on the legitimized voodoo medicines of psychiatry.  Then those who have stolen their soul feel comfortable with themselves again.  Comfortable wearing the skin of the person whose soul they have stolen.  What do they steal?  Past, present and future memories and skills.  A great deal indeed.
Once these boys souls were stolen there is little to prevent them from becoming gay or whatever those with money and power want them to be.  It is the ultimate insult of Satan to destroy and possess those they are jealous of.  That is why these boys killed themselves.  They knew all that I speak of and had no way to express it.  There was no way to combat this in our society because those who steal the souls are the ones in power today.  How can you tell you are in the presence of soul stealers?  They want to talk over you so that you cannot hear yourself think.  They want to do everything that they can to prevent you from thinking.  They want you to believe that you cannot think for yourself at all.  They want you to believe that you are worthless.  They want you to stop trying.  Etc, etc, etc, you get the idea, they covet being what you are and to maintain themselves as you they have to deny you being yourself-THE CHOSEN ONES.  Psychiatry indeed legitimizes and promotes a race less than that of humanity.  A race that could be broadly termed- Soul Stealers or Satanic.

There are many reasons why a person can become gay, and I will only go into a few of them because I have written about this before.
A male or a female was not conceived to be gay.  Somewhere there was an evil influence in their lives that made them gay.  Most likely they were demonically possessed by someone trying to steal their souls and influenced in subtle ways into being gay.
Or when a man’s soul was stolen or fragmented by evil people, the pain of they experienced as a person fought to keep their soul from being stolen influenced them to being gay.  Somehow the pain of the person fighting to keep their soul, and this could be miles away, was heartfelt and soul felt by them and it changed them.  Their own soul “hopped the tracks” as a result of this.
Remember it is a fact that a soul is an energy body.  A fragmented or soul labeled schizophrenia is one they “evil, soulless, Satan, etc.” could not get enough of.
Stealing of souls has been legitimized by psychiatry today, and it is the greatest crime against humanity ever.  There are broad repercussions to it.
Sometimes a boy will love his relationship with his father or seeks to obtain a loving relationship with a man because of this.  I could go on and on because it happens in different ways.  But I firmly believe there is an evil influence that comes into play here.
If you think queers or evil do not try and steal men’s souls you have never worked out a health club weight room.  By the way I usually see that people who do this look like spoiled Jews or Italians.  Pontius Pilot ruled over the kingdom of Judea and these people have not really changed in two thousand years.  They have just found more subversive and subliminal ways to crucify people and steal their souls.  The Arab world knows this and this is why they hate the United States.
Those from the kingdom of Judea know how to subtly harass an individual to steal their souls.  They also use nonlethal weapons most likely from Israeli origin to augment their torture efforts.
A young man who is of Irish origin and of strong intellect really is at great odds in this country from the evil children from the Kingdom of Judea.  Those of the Roman Catholic Church and Jews.
The reality of soul stealing that you would ignore the existence of is sickening.
Why do gays harass straight men?   Because this is how some of them were created.  Why do people do evil unto others that was done onto them?  Because authority was not present to protect them and therefore they are lead to believe that what was done to them “IS THE THING TO DO” This is how they diffuse their own pain.
Why does authority look the other way?  Because they too have become complacent with evil because they were most likely defeated by Satan themselves.  In other words they found it futile to challenge Satan and therefore were made complacent to his will.  The influence or “will” of Satan is indeed very strong in the United States of America. The futility of combating poverty, crime, pollution, the Republican Party, is all the will of Satan in power.
I know firsthand that evil children (boys) try and create gay children (boys) they are jealous of.  Children raised evil do this in very subtle ways.  Two friends (Boys) might kiss each other in front of another friend (boy) in an effort to create a gay desire in him and in effect steal his soul.  Or they might rub your knee, or try and climb in your sleeping bag, or ask you to go the health club sauna with them as a boy or give you drugs and try and rape you, or beat you until you are weak and feel womanly, or stare at you in the eyes and tell you how nice your eyes are.  You get the idea there is something very wrong with them and not you.
The real issue of human rights violations is the one you need to address and you would never be able to comprehend it and most likely would deny the existence of Satan.  I know what the face of Satan looks like when it possesses and individual.
There are a great number of children that grew up and were raised by “Talking” to someone that was labeled mentally ill.  Think of the movie “To Kill a Mocking Bird” and for once be tempted not to feel so sorry for the croaking bird.
This is indeed how Jews advance at an early age to greater intelligence.  It has little to do with genetics.  These gypsies have stolen the soul of someone and talk to it, and I hate to use terms that are not broadly adopted, but like the mocking bird bothered the man they talk to the person made mentally ill sometimes telepathically. 
These children grow up by holding a hand of those they torment in a wretched vise of pain.
The wealthy sons and daughters that are raised evil and do physical harm to others are the ones we need to put on medicine?  Or, the weaker and stronger of intellect that hurt the feelings of the bullies by using their sharp wit who then act out against them.
It is not a one sided issue, but at its heart is the way evil children were raised on stolen souls.
Did anyone ever think of asking the question, why don’t men like queers?  I answered this in my essay “Gods final word on homosexuality.”  I am indeed very consistent in my philosophy throughout my writings.
They always say God promised them all that land.  God Jesus Christ did not promise them that land.  If God did promise them all this land to the west he did this as a curse to them.  To keep them at odds with the rest of humanity and but freely letting them display their example of greed for all the world to see.  To show the world how they cannot live in peace with their neighbors.  To show the world how they steal from their neighbors.
And indeed my disclaimer here again is that the Bible tells us that we are all Jews.
All the Jews that I have known always seem to put on an air of aloofness or feel that they are better than everyone else.  The bible tells us that we are all Jews.  If they were to recognize that they are not any better they might start to genuinely respect other people, and the humanity of other people, the world might be a more loving and happy place.  But they have been persecuted so many times that their guard is up for good.  But to entitle and promote your children to steal the souls of others is evil and wrong, and some of them do take a great part in this.
If the Jews of Israel all headed west in their expansion took over all the Middle East and then killed the rest of us off what would then happen?  There would be offshoots against the Jews that would form who were indeed Jews themselves and they would be at odds again just as the Jewish tribes of the bible often were.  Muslims today kind of seem like one such offshoot to me.  Oh and another thin, we don’t need a Muslim rule that cuts up and disfigures people.  But I do greatly recognize the frustration they might have in dealing with some women.  Are there Muslim witches?  I will say there would have to be, as women complacent to such brutal and sadistic acts of torture could be termed nothing else, but I have not researched it.
I do not like to speak out against them, so why do I do it?  Because I suffer at their hand, and if I do others do to.  I know that they are doing evil.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy


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