Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mandate solar panels on eighty percent of horizontal surfaces of cars and trucks.

05 19 2010

Mandate solar panels on eighty percent of horizontal surfaces of cars and trucks.


1. Car companies would be forced to adopt and figure out how to make electric cars faster and better with this mandate.

2. This would lead to cleaner air

3. Solar panels are more efficient than industry wants us to know

4. Solar panels exist that can be applied to cars in this manner, Some are flexible and form able. Also the technology exists to slowly and captively close hoods and trunks without slamming.

5. Simple circuitry is all that would be needed to switch to solar cell mode of power, vs. battery charging. Very little gasoline would be needed in a motor needed to charge the battery.

6. The surface area of a car is a very good place for them. They are aerodynamically efficient.

7. Cars of the near future could compete on this whole new concept of incorporating the design into them and they would look great and sporty.

8. Electric motors have more torque.

9. Photovoltaic cell technology is strong and constantly improving. A solar panel about 18” square can run a fan bigger than the one in your refrigerator. Your refrigerator is said to use the most electricity of any appliance in your house.

10. If the taxpayers were forced to own the automotive companies we can have our say and force this mandate that forces the issue of a healthier nation.

11. This would be a viable and feasible technology and would give us cleaner air meaning healthier people, limit our dependence on foreign oil and possibly lead to fewer wars as we wouldn’t need to bully the rest of the world for their resources.

12. Somebody has to take the initiative and you are that somebody.

God Bless those who think.

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

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