Monday, May 3, 2010

I sent this letter on 05/02/2008 to Presidential Candidtates both parties, The Governer, Mayor


The “Indian” in Me was Crying

Dear Sir:

Thank you for responding with interest to my letter concerning wood recycling. Since you stated you were interested in more of my opinions I am sending you this letter Titled “ The “ ~Indian ~ ” in me was crying”

Three years ago I went swimming in Lake Michigan and got sick from it. Yesterday I went fishing off the pier only to cast into a brown smelly mess of “Sewered” water that extended out 200 yards for as far as my eye could see. When I got home the smell was still with me on my clothes. I took shower and through the clothes down to be washed and the next day the smell was still on me. Is this us? It shouldn’t be. We need to have more concern about preserving and improving what we already have in this country.

The more we pollute our lakes and rivers the less of a future we will have. We should strive for crystal clear lakes and rivers and river bottoms. To boost a slowing economy in a direction that is better for it in the long run work programs should be developed to boost the economy similar to the TVA projects. But these programs would focus on the environment instead. The goal should be that every river, lake and stream should be made crystal clear ie “The Crystal Clear Project” would be implemented. This could be one of the greatest “Industries” ever. There is no room for compromise between states on this issue either.

Some suggestions or ideas to consider in the implementation process.

A. Filter Damns in Series, Systems must be totally foulproof and effective or they are not worth designing or doing in the first place. They must also be cost effective for long term system sustainability

B. Light filtration, Mercury vapor powered by solar capacitors with grid system boost potential.

C. Filters could be of reusable polyfibers or natural fibers filter technology to be developed. The polyfilter type could be “spatula cleaned” or short burst pneumatically cleaned the natural fiber type to be developed from corn husks or whatever is wasted would be disposable and the resultant burned as a fuel source.

D. The Slots that hold the filters at the pipe effluent exits would be “clamp collar” based. A ring that would be foul proof and created to compress the perimeter of the filter.

E. The system would be developed to have zero “backpressure” or waste buildup that clogs the pipes

F. Adjunct filtration technology could use filtration methods that spread the water over a vast area as it exits the pipes similar to how fish damns work. Fiber optics that radiate ultraviolet light could be incorporated into such systems using low power consumption UV fluorescent bulb technology in reflective chambers that maximize the light exposure and minimize the energy usage. UV fluorescents take very little power.

G. Mirror technology with planular lasers might have a place also

H. They would need to be installed and timely serviced and all water effluent exits and drains. They could be remotely monitored and reserve filters drop slotted in via remote monitor or centralized stations.

I. Reserve filters would need to be replace in a more than timely fashion to handle the force of multiday rain storms

J. Effective filter boxes similar to a fish damn could also be considered

K. UV lights installed via fiber optics concentrically inside pipes also would seem to be part of the solution. Fiber optics that radiate UV light and expand capabilities and capacities economically

L. The systems could even be made somewhat automated or energy dependant via solar domes throughout the city that could focus a concentrated source of natural light into the “Down Belows” of the system providing light disinfection to those areas

M. What material filtered that could not be used as fertilizer could be burnt as an energy fuel source. Or made available to those with fireplaces and small homes that might benefit from such a source of “biolog.” Biologs could even collected nationwide and given or bartered to households in more colder climates.

In order to usher in these systems until they are effective, barge or water based filtration devices powered by wind, solar, wave motion to clean water more quickly could be deployed offshore in a blockage formation. Whether old barges are considered or not will be a question left to answer.

The barges W/H electroluminescent paint that would make them less of navigation hazards.

In order to address a further end cause of the problem a similar program could lead to further responsibility of efficient use of garbage. This program would be termed “Parity of Use” and would require expanded classification of garbage into what could be safely burned as a fuel energy source or converted into biodiesel. The classification would be somewhat similar to the numbered systems of plastic products. Requirements would be made for consumer products and consumable products to bear this classification system. This system would not seem so “far out” if you compare it to the labeling of food ingredients system that was implemented a long time ago and we have all benefited from greatly.

Curbside pickup of the materials in color coded containers that are totally pest proof would be mandated. “Biofuel Curbside” would be the name of this program. There would never ever be garbage disposals again, materials from the sink would be strained and systems would be put in place for safe programs that recycle the sink stuff without there ever being a threat of rodent or pest manifestation. Restaurant refuse is collected in this manner maybe it is time to make such programs a norm on the broadest scale.

Appliances would be made in terms of being able to be easily dismantled into classifiable and recyclable raw materials. The mandated manufacturing standards would have to instituted. “Lynch Pin” technology whereby a place discernable on the appliance not subject to accidental breakage could be a product allocation place whereby the product could be hammered and it falls apart into sort able and reusable materials. Most products to day do not last like they used to anyway and are discarded long before earlier day versions of the same product would have been. Products of earlier day often had a designs engineered into them whereby they could be easily fixed. That is not the case today as it was in yesteryear.

The Parity Commission:

An EPA task force on how businesses can be made responsible to recycle their refuse through mechanical or chemical transformation processes could be mandated to make for capitalism that is more responsible to our future. In other words how can we make good with our waste mentality would be of greater concern. A corollary that follows would then be do we want to make things that won’t last and will just pile up. In some countries, not to name names the garbage piles up nine feet high on the street because they did not adequately plan for their future which is now.

I anticipate that residential rooftop solar installations will cure most of energy needs in the future and the cost of solar cells is lessoned in much the same process as the cost and power consumption curve of the computer microchip does.

To fund these efforts a lottery for the environment could be deployed immediately. Many might consider this a more noble and proactive effort than the property tax relief allocation. I would envision a lottery whereby there would be no large purses but a pot that could grow big and then divided into smaller jackpots of around $50,000.00. Those who win multimillions often don’t have the responsibilities to spend it anyway that would be in relation to the program it is supporting. This lottery would have wildcard numbers that would be issued on quick pick tickets that would, that a statistician could derive a program for even allocation. The prize could be determined to be in a range allocation that floats between $50,000.00 and $100,000.00. A system could be built whereby the pot gets bigger and the numbers of tickets since the last pot that was won are still good until the next pot is won. This lottery would be more not really progressive but “Democratic” progressive would be more proper terminology.

Thirty years ago there were fisherman every 20 yards on the shores of Lake Michigan and each had a good chance of a catch. Every year is worse than the last. Implementation of such a program would increase Fish populations to healthy levels and children of tomorrow will have an interest renewed for one of America’s favorite and former pastimes.


Thomas Murphy

Whitefish Bay WI 53217

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