Sunday, August 15, 2010

The War in Afghanistan 08 15 2010

On Meet the Press this morning it was stated that Karlow the head of Afghanistan cannot be trusted.  Why are we working with him?  To tell him where lone American soldiers are so he can direct Taliban or Al-Qaida to kill them.
  How do we define a civilian in Afghanistan?  Someone not armed with a loaded weapon that can be pointed at a United States soldier when his back is turned?

If their money is funded by life ruining poppy plants that Heroine is produced with, why don’t we bring our troops home and spray all the poppy fields to kill the plants.  When they grow back we go back and do the same in perpetuity until they plant food or some type of tree for lumber.
The herbicide Roundup could be used.  Those Arabs all wear those bandanas over their faces and heads to protect them from the sand.  The health effects can’t be any worse than what the health status of a Heroine Junkie is anyway.  By the way who doesn’t think that some of that heroine is used by our soldiers in the field or sold by drug dealers in this country?  If you don’t believe that you are extremely naïve.
When drug fields are growing in the United States would they not be destroyed?  How can we start them on a better Afghanistan if we do not lead them in this manner to do this?  This is the idiot War of George W. Bush.
If we destroy their drugs and drug trade we will break their evil will.  But we won’t because the evil drug trade is engrained as part of our culture in this country.  Rich kids become drug dealers and push to children whose potential they are jealous of.  Souls are stolen in this manner and many other manners in this country and nothing is done about it as it has organized religion at its backing. 
  If we destroy the drug fields our ability to discern the good from the bad will become more pronounced.  Those who you didn’t know were bad would make themselves known as they become irate at the destruction of their drug fields.  If you lived in the suburbs and there was a meth lab in a trailer parked in front of your house where you and your children live would you have something to say about it then?  Or would you say it’s okay, my children know enough not to take drugs or meth?  Don’t you care about the health of your neighbors children?  They just might be friends with yours now “mighten” they?  Is our military in one country to protect our economic interest in oil and in another country to protect and promote our economic interest in Heroine?
     How does Osama Bin Laden draw his money to pay his “troops”?  Where does he keep it?  What bank is he using?  Why don’t we bomb that damn bank and every branch there is or at least find some other way to deprive him of funds?  Because the Arab world will not cooperate with us.  They view us as different and in terms of culture we are very different from them.  So yes there is a difference and they see it and it separates them from us.  It is not as if we are going to set up movie theaters all around Afghanistan with films featuring false idols.  The Bible is very clear about this, “Thou shall not worship false idols.”  But that is all that we do in this country.  Idolize professional athletes who have no morals, movie stars that can never stay married to the same person.  The Bible says thou shall not worship false idols because by definition to be human means that you are flawed in some way.  And to worship a human idol is to worship something unbecoming of humanity.  It is better to learn morals and teachings of “GOOD”. But that does not happen anymore.
When you hearts and stomachs turned at seeing the torcher tools table of Saddam Hussein or the woman’s nose that was cut off by the Taliban do not be swayed by this propaganda because worse things than that are done in our country daily.
Most people are unaware of the horrors and atrocities that are committed against United States citizens daily.  Our government sanctions these because it knows about the dissemination of this technology at the highest level of our military.  Nonlethal weaponries are being used on United States citizens in order to profit from them.  Like Judas sold Jesus for 30 bars of silver people are tortured daily in our country by the painful and killing effects of nonlethal weaponry.  The programs are put forth under the guises and terminology of “Active Denial” and “Special Education”.  The use of them in special education was most likely a part of the Bush administrations “No Child Left Behind” program.  The technologies are used to drive people crazy and profit from their stolen souls. It is the worst crime against humanity and it is also the reason the Arab world hates the United States.
     Some wealth in this country is attained savagely without conscious in this manner and those who are victimized can be made by the technology to be incapacitated mentally.  How smart would someone look and talk if hole was cut in a microwave oven and a group of thieves stuck his head in there and turned it on.  Just like food cooked in a microwave oven is not brown or caramelized a person victimized by nonlethal weaponry does not look cooked but their brains are and their souls are stolen.  When a soul is stolen often the skill sets, memories, future knowledge and strengths are gone from the individual.  Wall Street is indeed a band of soul stealing gypsies.  And a power structure has been created in this country to support this behavior.  Any traditional education and learning in our school system is subverted by this to guaranteed failure.  It is not in the best interest of this country or the future of humanity.  What does a child care about the learning or wellbeing of others in the classroom if he/she is assured of a future in terms of money and power, and can therefore bully and be disruptive and steal souls themselves.  The stealing of souls has also been a central part of the Catholic Church if you do not believe me explain why so many priests molested boys?  My explanation is the true one and there is no other.  At every mass in the Catholic Church there used to be a prayer at the end that asked St. Michael to protect us and seek vengeance against those that steal souls, somehow that has been omitted.  Will the increased knowledge of modern times further expose the many existences and incarnations of Satan?  There is always a great and concerted effort to hide the existence of Satan.
What father or mother who steals for a living, cares to or has the capacity to raise a son or daughter properly?  It does not happen.

  The bible say’s those who suffered are truly blessed.  Believe me those who suffer do not feel truly blessed.  Many one day God will………….
God Bless Those Who Suffer

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

If Taliban in Afghanistan are taking their orders from Pakistan we need to get the nuclear missiles out of Pakistan or at least pour a deterrent type of cement into their silos so that they can never be used.

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