Monday, August 23, 2010

American Manufacturing 08 23 2010

In the other mornings Milwaukee Journal there was an article about how Wisconsin is joining four other states in accusing Hitachi, Samsung, Sharp, LG and other LCD manufacturers of colluding to keep prices high of this main part to today’s modern LCD television and LCD computer screens.
 I owned stock in the only company based in the United States of America to manufacture televisions, Syntax Brillian and they were forced into bankruptcy.
High prices and the problems collecting money from companies it does business with in foreign countries being the reason.
Why do we have to waste valuable legal resources of each or these states in order to pursue this matter?  Why does this not fall under a centralized authority of the United States Government such as the Fair Trade Commission?  Is it because the FTC has never been effective and often subdued by the will of Republican administrations? Our FTC could have indeed been the one to set the example standard of trade for other developing countries to follow.  Is the FTC watching pornography all day like the Securities and Exchange was found to have been doing under the watch of the Bush administration?
If America (the United States of) wants to have a clean manufacturing base, foreign countries must compete at our standards or greater.  If not they should be barred from doing business in this country.  We have never given foreign countries many goals or insights into what they should become and now some truly hate us.  Without understanding does jealousy arise? Yes.
Since we have not promoted greater standards effectively to foreign countries are we becoming more like the foreign countries we do business with and less like what our founding fathers declared us to be? Yes. Will we become a country where people run around stabbing each other in the backs?  Watch the news and you see we already are.  One of the key reasons Rome fell was because people were coming in droves to get in and no one could keep them out.  Does this sound familiar and wasn’t Bush the Governor of Texas for O’ so many years before he became president of the United States for O’ so many years.  Isn’t Texas the primary United states that borders Mexico?   And do we not have a tremendous illegal immigrant invasion from Mexico.  Don’t drugs from South America come through the border with Mexico?  One might even get the courage to ask the question was George Bush irresponsible for the problem at the border, for well over a decade, almost reaching two, because he was on the take from the drug and narcotic trade.   And isn’t George Bush the political candidate that the Republicans put forward as the most responsible person the world could ever know.  Wake up America, Republicans aren’t good for us, that is United States Citizens, don’t be one and don’t vote for one. Republicans pick their Presidential candidates as a matter of Chess Strategy, in terms of who the think can beat a Democrat and not in terms of what good they can do for the country irrespective of what political party they are from.  Sarah Palin is supposed to be their next candidate, her unmarried daughter became pregnant her boyfriend gone and now posing nude.  If you think you are putting on the face of intelligence and class by nominated Palin you are wrong.  And Republican women that was your final card in this game.  It is over for you in terms of power and influence. Take your unmarried pregnant daughters and leave the country, we don’t want to support them or you either.
If you think I cannot tell you why your other candidates should not become president or hold office just as well as I told you about her you are dead wrong.  They do not represent the Standard of the United States of America and they seek to defy it in favor of every opportunity for personal gain.  Don’t trade with them either.
Why have we not set our achievements in this country as a standard for other countries to follow? The real reason would sicken and horrify you.

God Bless Freedom and Your Own True Achievements.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

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