Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bad bus kids and heroic father 09 22 2010

The other day a father got on a school bus and yelled at some kids that were abusing his daughter with cerebral palsy while on the bus.  The other kids had been poking her with a pencil, etc.
This father blew his cool.  And I know that he yelled and screamed at these children.  This father needs to be released if he was imprisoned for this.  The Mayor should give him a medal for addressing an issue that needed to be addressed.  Milwaukee public schools should issue an apology for bringing him to the state of being whereby he would blow his top.  The parents of those children stabbing his daughter need to apologize to him.
This is the fallacy of the George Bush no child left behind policy.  The ones that needed to be left behind and the ones that are a distraction to the others in class who are trying to learn.  In this case they are the ones who would stab you with a pencil when you are mentally challenged.  These sadistic children can be taught in a cabbage patch behind George Bushes house his wife Barbara and gee wouldn’t Sarah Palin make a good teacher also,
This is what privatizing systems of society and government often gets us, criminal irresponsibility.  That bus driver should have at least made disciplinary body aware of what was going on. I realize that bus drivers do not have the degree and knowledge that a principal has.  If a bus driver were to tell a principal of this what would the principal say, “It was not on my watch?”  Do a test Milwaukee.  You know what action you would have to take when you find unfavorable outcomes.
Incidentally what these children did to the victim of cerebral palsy is the same thing that brazen young men and women raised to learn Satanism do to victims of what they would label and incorrectly stigmatize with schizophrenia every day in our country with the use of non-lethal weapons.  Believe it.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

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